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Dr. Pradip Patil
All the Latest.... patients stories
1.Bone Loss Reconstruction with New Technique She had Road Traffic Accident with run over injury to Leg . The middle part of leg bone was exposed and had multiple fragments and were dead. The bone fragments were removed which was created a gap of 10 cm leg .
Her Open wound was covered with Plastic Surgery and Artificial Spacer was kept at the defect site of bone. After one month her other bone from the same leg was removed and replaced the spacer. This newer Technique allows to form new bone rapidly. Her 5 cm defect was filled by this bone. Remaining 5 cm defect was filled up by creating new fracture around knee and gradually stretching it with External Device called Ilizarov . Her total bone defect was filled up by new bone and leg length was restored completely and started walking on her feet

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